When creating My Journal To_, we tested our prompts and templates with friends and peers from the early start. We conducted several interviews with our readers and writers, and one of the things that often led to confusion was the affirmations or mantras.

So we prepared this article for you and shed some light into how daily affirmations work and we present you a long list for inspiration.

What are daily affirmations?

If you've ever done yoga or been exposed to Indian or Buddhist philosophy, you've likely come across the notion of a mantra. In the Sanskrit language, it translates to "holy words," which are essentially a word, phrase, thought, or even sound that is meant to give clarity or spiritual guidance. A mantra or as we call it affirmation is especially useful during a meditative process as it lets us tune out the rest of the world while focusing on one thing.

Daily affirmations are core short reminders that you can think about every day (ideally multiple times a day). When we start to feel overwhelmed, or even when we're just dealing with all the everyday stressors, repeating an affirmation can help to keep ourselves grounded. They guide you, nourish you, and reassure you on your path to reaching your personal goals.

How you should write your daily affirmations

  • Write in the present tense. Even if it’s something that you expect to happen in the future, put your focus on the present moment. So instead of saying ‘I will live a healthy lifestyle’, you should say ‘I am creating a healthy lifestyle by eating a nutritious diet and taking care of myself.’
  • Adopt a positive tone of voice. This refers to a mindfulness method called opposition thinking. Which means that when an undesirable thought occupies the focal point of your mind, you replace it with an uplifting one. So whenever you write a daily affirmation, make sure you set a positive tone. For example, ‘I don’t spend time with toxic people’ turns into ‘I surround myself with people who support me and inspire me.’
  • Make them believable. Similar to setting life goals, your affirmations should be reasonable and believable. Saying ‘I am the richest man/woman in the world’ will make you sound like an idiot, instead, say something like ‘I am putting all my efforts into living an abundant and rich life.’ If you set your goals outside of what’s achievable/ reasonable, it’s more likely they will discourage rather than motivate you.
  • Know what you want. In addition to writing believable goals, they also have to truly present what you want. So before you write an affirmation, reflect if that’s something you actually want in your life. When your intentions and actions are fully aligned, you will be able to really feel what you are writing. It will become easier and more natural for you to follow the affirmation.

On another note, a study from 2009 showed that writing in the past tense can have negative effects on people with low self-esteem as it will make it less believable for them. Depending on your current state of mind, repeating positive, present self-statements may benefit you, but in some case it might actually backfire. Be honest with your self, and see what resonates more with you - writing in present tense or setting an intention for the future. It’s important that the affirmations is believable before you scream it into your mind.

50 Daily Affirmations for any Life Situation

I believe that daily affirmations are best explained by examples. So to make it 100% clear to you, and give you some inspiration on what you can write in your journal, here are 50 daily affirmations for you to inspire and copy.

Daily affirmations for success

I am going to make myself proud.

I am becoming a better version of myself every day.

I overcome it and move forward.

I can only learn but never fail.

All of my relations have a purpose and they fulfil me.

I am able to achieve amazing things.

Every day I come closer to my dreams.

My efforts and realization are bringing true benefits to my life.

I am the change I want to see in this world.

I am the designer of my own life. I own it and create it.

Daily affirmations for happiness

I am at peace with myself.

I attract what’s right for me.

I balance my life.

If I live every moment like it is my last, I am truly free in my actions.

I am free from suffering.

I am happy.

I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

I finish what matters and let go of what does not.

I am in full control of how I react to anything that happens to me.

I take time for the people I love.

Daily affirmations for positive thinking

I find a way to turn every negative into a positive.

I wake up motivated.

Today is going to be a great day.

My actions are meaningful and inspiring.

I add value to every environment I grace with my presence.

I am surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in me.

I choose positivity.

Daily affirmation for self-love

I am beautiful.

I love XY about myself.

I am a wonderful human being.

My uniqueness is my biggest gift.

I only compare myself with myself.

I believe in myself.

I love my life.

Daily affirmations for confidence

I am charismatic.

I do what I believe is right.

I am independent, but know the importance of having people to trust.

I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rest inside me.

I am confident and comfortable approaching strangers.

I love to express myself.

I am courageous.

I know I can achieve anything I want in life.

Daily affirmations for anxiety

I don’t try to say the right thing. I say what’s true and feels right.

It’s not about me. It’s just the conditions.

I see the positive in everything that happens.

My past experiences can’t stop me from who I will become.

Everything that arises, also has the nature to pass away.

I let go of what I can’t control.

I inhale all positive energy and exhale all tension.

I am doing the best I can and that is enough.


If you want more inspiration, here's a continued blog post.