In addition to our previous blog post that outlined the meaning of affirmations and how to write them effectively, here is a complementary list of affirmations.

First, let's briefly review the benefits of affirmations, before we start practising them.

Benefits of Practicing Affirmations

Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

Practising affirmations can help you build a positive self-image and improve your self-esteem, enabling you to tackle life's challenges with greater confidence.

Improve Your Mental Health

Positive affirmation has been linked to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety and can help you develop a more optimistic outlook on life.

Enhance Your Focus and Performance

Repeating affirmations can sharpen your focus and enhance your performance in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and personal goals.

Promote Positive Change

By changing your mindset and beliefs through affirmations, you can create lasting, positive change in your life and achieve your desired outcomes.

35 Affirmation Examples for Inspiration

The following examples are categorised into various areas of life, including personal growth, empowerment, positive thinking, alignment, clarity, presence and self-love.

Personal Growth Affirmations

I accept the challenge of life and grow through it.

I am peaceful but never satisfied.

I always beat my prior best in everything I do.

I will be better today than I was yesterday.

Empowerment Affirmations

I am the master of my reality. I own it and create it.

I am the architect of my life. I sketch it and build it.

Don't just live your life, lead it.

I trust in my abilities and know that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

I embrace my uniqueness.

I let go of fear, knowing I am able to overcome any obstacle.

Positive Affirmations

Dream until it’s your reality.

Hope, but never expect. Look forward, but never wait.

Make big plans. Enjoy small things.

I celebrate my achievements, both big and small, and acknowledge my progress.

I trust the process and enjoy the uncertainty that comes with it.

Alignment & Authenticity Affirmations

It is in my power to let no badness be in this soul.

I attract what’s right for me.

I am exactly where I am meant to be right now.

I do what aligns with my values.

I stay true to myself in all of my actions.

I prioritise my time based on my values.

Clarity & Mindfulness Affirmations

I let go of distractions and focus on what’s in front of me.

I am grateful for small joys.

I reflect, adjust and keep going.

I am at peace with my life.

Every task in front of me gets my full attention.

Grounding & Presence Affirmations

I embrace change and growth and am open to the lessons that come with them.

I trust my instincts and inner wisdom to make the right decisions.

I am grateful for my life, my experiences, and the opportunities that lie ahead.

I am grateful for the challenges that have helped me grow and evolve.

I practice mindfulness and connect deeply with the beauty of the present moment.

Self-Love & Well-Being Affirmations

My body is a temple; I honour it with love and care.

I prioritise self-care and nourish my body, mind and soul.

I honour my emotions and allow myself to feel and process them with compassion.

I honour my boundaries and say no to anything that does not serve my well-being.


By incorporating affirmations into your daily routine, you can transform your mindset, beliefs, and emotions, ultimately creating the life you desire. Use these 35 affirmation examples as inspiration when writing into your guided journal, and remember to always be kind to yourself and stay committed to your personal growth journey.