Journaling is one of the most effective habits for creating mental clarity. Nothing gets your thoughts in order like writing them out on paper.

Instead of reading hundreds of opinions, angry comments, and discussions of random strangers on the internet, take some time to look inward. Check which conversation is going on inside yourself instead of on Twitter or TikTok.

“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.” — Marcus Aurelius

1. Kickstart mindfulness

Starting a journal from an empty page is hard. That is why we included a template of short and easy journaling prompts that should help you kickstart your journey. One page represents one journaling session and might be filled out as quickly as in 2-3 minutes. Providing structure should help you stick to your commitment and give you a sense of progress in your practice.

2. Focus on the positive

There are numerous studies in psychology that highlight the value of focusing on positivity in life. Positives in your behavioural traits, positives in the people around you or positives in your current circumstances. Practising gratitude is a common theme in mindfulness and so it is in this book. The journaling prompts used are largely geared towards triggering positive emotions and thought processes. If our journal will not manage to put a smile on your face, please feel free to make use of our money back guarantee.

3. Look inward

Sit down, grab a pen and paper, and give your mind the space to roam free. It will automatically come up with the thoughts, emotions, or ideas that require your attention. Write only for yourself, not for someone else. You want to write without a filter. That’s how you get the most useful thoughts out.

If you see your thoughts just as objects appearing, you can decide freely how to deal with them. You can then either use the journal as a non-judging outlet to let go or you can decide put more attention to the thought. For instance, you might see yourself thinking about a particular man or women regular, but your fears holds you back to align your actions with your desires. If this thought keeps recurring you need to make decision: Let it go or set yourself a deadline to act. Our journal will hold you accountable for whatever you believe is right in that moment.

4. Make it a fun experience

Don’t get us wrong. Your personal development in life is very important and serious. But that doesn’t mean that the experience of journaling cannot be fun. In this book, we freshen up dusty routines and help you think outside of the box. Therefore, we included some lighter and creative exercises along the way that go beyond you picking up a pen and writing down a few words.

Ready to design the life you want? Start with our guided journal and mindfulness exercises to help you reflect, process your thoughts and grow every day.